Ramblin' Hoosier

My musings on life. I rant on occasion, rave every blue moon or so, and ramble often. Proof positive you can be a nerd and simple-minded at the same time.

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June 14, 2004

The Promise

 The Promise

She sits, limbs stretched lazily before her, looking up through the wind tossed branches overhead. The light of the noon sun shifts everchanging patterns of light and dark shadow across the bridge of her freckled nose, and she closes her eyes enjoying the play of red and black on her eyelids. The smell of spring grass blossoms around her, comingled with rich soil and the wet earthy scent of the stream below.
She looks down toward the water and watches two tow headed boys attempting to fish in the shallow currents, and laughs enternally at distant memories of sunny spring days beside slow moving streams. The breeze picks up and blows fluffy white dandelion seeds in her hair, and before her eyes. Distant floral perfumes dance along the breeze and fill the day with their splendor. A dog barks from afar, and birds chatter from the trees. A mother passes on the bike trail, pushing a stroller with a chubby red faced toddler inside. One pink socked foot kicks steadily back and forth and has lost it's small red shoe. A sticky sucker is clutched tightly in the childs hand and a fat stray curl is plastered to the side of her small red face by sweat. The baby smiles and waves, and is gone.
She looks longingly after the little family of two, and than expectantly at the horizon to the North. Soon he will make his way over the sloping hill and return to her. Soon, his smiling eyes and lazy smile will be all she sees as he finally arrives. 

 Ramblin' Hoosier~


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