Ramblin' Hoosier

My musings on life. I rant on occasion, rave every blue moon or so, and ramble often. Proof positive you can be a nerd and simple-minded at the same time.

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March 03, 2005

A Lazy Philosophy on Life

I love the ideal of life and love more than the reality of it.

I love to sit and dream of what might be if only, if only.....

I intoxicate myself on hope, all the while knowing I will wake in the morning hung-over and miserable, lying in a puddle of my own drab reality, unable or unwilling to make any changes.

My God! What sort of tumbled, jumbled, backwards fool am I? I see possibilities of the future, yet cannot take a step towards any of them. I balk at the alternate realities of my life tomorrow, all the while fantasizing what they could be.

I'm in a dull little world of my own making and am too cowardly and lazy to move away.

Ramblin' Hoosier~