Ramblin' Hoosier

My musings on life. I rant on occasion, rave every blue moon or so, and ramble often. Proof positive you can be a nerd and simple-minded at the same time.

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May 31, 2004

Ktraveldan Network

I found the greatest site today on Weblog Review,Ktraveldan Network. A great writer and funny as hell to boot!

May 23, 2004

Skunky Monkey

Did you ever notice that some people just emit a slimey vibe? After talking with some people, or in rarer cases, simply seeing some people, there's a greasy film laying heavy in your mind.

I have an Uncle like that, whom I had the unwanted, unasked for displeasure of talking to this weekend. Break out the stereotype meters...he happens to be a used car salesman. Shocked you, didn't it? Yeah, he's the one all of the jokes were written about.

He once tried to sell his own mother a mini van that had been welded together down the middle, and had coathangers holding vital components together underneath. It didn't seem to matter that she could be killed, or that she was never in a vehicle with less than 6 grandchildren (his included) and was more often than not on the busy highway. Nope, none of that mattered, what mattered was the easy sell he had before him.

I don't know why I bring that up exactly, other than the fact that the slick oily feeling is still with me after talking to him. It's just that I had the television on the news channel and politicians were talking nonchalantly about terrible problems from their two dimensional world, and I had a quick redip in the greasy pool. I turned it and found myself looking at a commercial for FOX's 'show' The Swan and was practically drowning in the feeling, only this time it came with a smell...like rotten cabbage atop a garbage filled dumpster on a hot humid day.

May 20, 2004

0 Comment Complex

I noticed while searching other blogs, that the one nasty little thing that plagues the masses, is lack of comments. Some brave bloggers throw convention to the wind and flat out beg for it, some coyly hint they'd like some, and some silently fume behind their computer screens vowing revenge and swearing that people don't know a good thing when they see it. It's kind of like sex, I suppose. The computer has made us all wee little comment whores.

I'm wondering, how many bloggers go into their shrinks and bring up their lack of comments or hits? Can't you picture it, them laying on the sofa (do shrinks really use those, btw?) telling the doc how no one loved them as children, no one respects them at work, and there's no one to go home to at night; so they got an online journal to make a connection with some soul out there, even if it is on a computer, and they don't appear to want them there either. When that first popped into my head, I thought it was a funny joke, ha ha, but now that I've really thought about it, I bet there are people who do that and it's not so funny anymore.

Do you think lack of response is the reason for the countless 'ghost sites' out there? You know the kind I'm talking about? The first entry was 5 months ago, and filled with exuberance and hope for a smashing success, than sloooooooooowllyyy the happiness drains out of the ever shorter postings, until one day, three weeks after the first posting, there's nothing left. Is that the 21st century's new grafitti? Just a sad abandoned site, floating through cyberspace like a big, 'I was here' carved into a tree at the local make-out place.

*imported from my other journal*

May 19, 2004

Some people need slapped.

Why do people ask your opinion on things, than argue with you when you state them? If you don't want to take the risk that someone may not agree with you, why ask them?

Example. A friend asks me about what's happening in Iraq right now and though she knows I'm not a huge fan of Bush, or the war, she still acts like it's a huge shock when I tell her exactly how I feel about it. She than proceeds to argue with me about my opinion, as if she might bring light into my dull cobweb infested mind, showing me where I've ran astray and wooing me back over to the side of right.

Can I just say, I take pride in the fact that I don't take my opinions and cram them down the throats of others. I don't try and brow beat those who don't think like me, and I have enough f**king sense not to go asking a rabid, die-hard Republican their ideas on an issue I know they don't agree with, expecting them to change for me.

make that, some people deserve three slaps, and a kick in the knee cap.

May 17, 2004


I don't know what in the hell I'm doing wrong, but each time I try and insert a link section and republish, nothing! The links do show up if you hit 'commnet' but not on the main page. :( I told ya I was a feeb.

Screw it.

First post

I've already written a very longwinded, non-sensical post once today on my other journal site, so I'm not sure what I intend to write here. I actually really like the other site, but the free version only allows for 25 links, and I decided to see what everyone else offers.
I hope I get this figured out relatively quickly, fat chance, I'm a bit slow when it comes to anything technical. Took me long enough to master holding a crayon. They don't seem to sell a computer equivilant of the big fat crayon, so it's sink or swim for me.